Tools > Domain Mapping

If your domain name includes a sub-domain such as "blog" then you can add a CNAME for that hostname in your DNS pointing at this blog URL.

If you want to redirect a domain you will need to add a DNS "A" record pointing at the IP address of this server:

Configure Domain Mapping

Next, go to Settings > Domain Mapping.

In the “Mapping options” tab, enter your dedicated IP address in the “Server IP Address” section.

Next, go to Settings > Domain Mapping.

In the “Mapping options” tab, enter your dedicated IP address in the “Server IP Address” section.

Go to the dashboard for the new sub-site you created earlier.

Next, go to Tools > Domain Mapping and enter the domain you want to map.

Click “Map Domain”.

Excluded pages: Pages selected here will not be mapped and can optionally force https, If you set the domain to use https, the following "force/unforce SSL will be ignored".

Add page URLs to have excluded: In the textbox area enter absolute URLs (starting with http:// or https://), URLs should be comma separated.

Add page URLs below to force https: In the textbox area enter absolute URLs (starting with http:// or https://), URLs should be comma separated.

"Save Excluded Pages" button confirms that the settings have been saved.