Here you can make general settings for your complete website. This setting allows you to set the layout, site-width, color scheme, body font and headings font.

  • Layout: Select the layout from the pull-down box. Chose between wide or boxed.
  • Site Width: Set the site width by entering the value in the textbox like 100% or 1170px.
  • Color Scheme: Select the color scheme as RedGreen or Blue from the pull-down box. Otherwise, it will show default color.
  • Body Font: Select the font-family, backup font-family and font-weight & style from the available drop-down boxes. Default value is open sans.
  • Headings Font: Select the font-family, backup font-family and font-weight & style from the given options. Default value is open sans.
  • Save Changes: To make your changes effective click on the save changes button.
  • Reset Section: This is to reset the changes that made in the section.
  • Reset All: Click this button to reset all the sections.