Permalinks are the permanent urls to the individual pages, blog post, category, and tag archives. Check one of the radio buttons corresponding to the correct Permalink Structure for your blog.

  • Default:An example of the default structure is
  • Day and name: An example of the day and name based structure is
  • Month and name: An example of the month and name based structure is
  • Numeric:An example of the numeric structure is
  • Post name:An example of the post name structure is
  • Custom structure:In the box specify the custom structure you desire to use. One example is /archives/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/.

This option allows you to set the custom base for the categories and tags. That is you can create a custom URL for categories and tags. For example, using /topics/ as your category base would make your category links like

  • Category base - Enter a custom prefix for your category URLs here.
  • Tag base - Enter a custom prefix for your tag URLs here.