The Settings tab in Admin Sidebar is the central hub to configure distinct sections of the website. It includes multiple sub panels and clicking on it takes you to the default settings page General screen.

It controls some basics of the configuration settings of your site. You can set the site title, tagline, timezone and choose a particular format for the date and time. Click on save button to make the changes effective.

  • Site Title: Here you need to enter the title of your site or blog. The title displays at the top of your site's each page and in the reader's browser title bar. It is also used as the identifying name of the syndication feed.
  • Tagline: Here you can write a short text to tell your users, what your site is about. It is usually an eye-catching short phrase.
  • Email Address: This address is used for admin purposes. If you change this then, an email is sent at your new address to confirm it. The new address will remain inactive until confirmed.
  • Timezone: From the pull-down box you need to select a city with the same timezone as yours. If you don't recognize the city in your timezone, then you need to select UTC timezone offset.
  • Date Format: You can choose one of the different date formats available to display on the site.
  • Time Format: It is the format in which theme developers intend to display the time on the site.
  • Week starts on: You can choose a day from which your calendar will start on. The default day is Monday.
  • Save Changes: This button ensures that your settings have been saved in the database. As soon as you click on this button, a confirmation box will appear on the top to ensure that your changes have been saved.