This screen list down all the available users in the tabular form. Each user is assigned with one of the available roles (subscriber, contributor, author, editor, and administrator). One can add
[] Checkbox: Check box is available next to the username. Click in the box to select the users on which bulk actions are to be applied. Check box in the column header allows you to select all the available users.
User Image: Next to the username appears the user image. This is either the image of the user or the avatar.
Username: This is the login of the user. To edit the user click on the username link. Moreover, when you hover over the row of any user remove and view link appears. But for the current logged in user remove link is not visible.
Name: It is the first name and last name of the users.
Email: It displays the user's email ids.
Roles: It is to display the current role of the user.
Posts: This displays the number of posts written by the user. By clicking on the number, you will be directed to the Posts Screen where you can edit or view the post by the user. Each user has a unique identification number which appears as part of the URL in the browser status bar when hovering over the post number link.
When you hover over some of the column headings, like username and email an up-arrow or down-arrow will appear that lets you sort the column in ascending or descending order.
If more than one page of user exists, then under the screen option two double arrow boxes to move to the first and the last page will appear. And, two single arrow boxes to move to the forward and the backward page will be displayed.
This tab enables you to select the options that you wish to display onscreen. Check the boxes next to the available options (email, roles, posts). Another option is of pagination that allows you to specify the number to list the number of items per page.
In the top right below the screen tab, is a search box. In the box you can enter the word, matching the fields in the username, name, email or role. If the word matching the searched query exists then it will be listed, otherwise result not found appears on the top of the screen.
Filtering Options
The links present in the top below the "Add New" button, filter the users. Available links include "All" link which is to display all the users and other links are the available roles name that filters the users as per their roles.
Bulk Action: This action is meant to be applied either on the group of users or on the single selected user. Once the required number of users are selected, then one can select the action from the pull down box. To make the action effective click on the apply button.
Immediate Action: This is the action that can be performed on an individual user. By hovering on the row remove and view links appear. But for the current user remove link is not display instead edit link will be there.
You can quickly add or remove the roles by selecting from the pull down box. To apply the actions click the buttons next to selected pull down box.
This screen enables you to add a new user to the site, by filling the details visible on the screen.
Add Existing User: This allows to add an already existing user in the network. Required fields to be filled includes
- Email Address: Enter the email address of the user.
- Role: Assign a role by selecting from the drop-down list.
Click on "Add Existing User" button to save the user information.
Add New User: Create a brand new user and add them to this site.
Username (required): Enter the name of the new user to whom you want to assign the site.
Email (required): Type in the email address to let the user know that they have been added as a user in your site.
Role: Select the role from the pull-down box.
Click on "Add New User" button to save the settings.
Below is the basic user roles and permissions associated to each one of them:
- Subscribers can read comments/comment/receive newsletters, etc. but cannot create regular site content.
- Contributors can write and manage their posts but not publish posts or upload media files.
- Authors can publish and manage their own posts and are able to upload files.
- Editors can publish posts, manage posts as well as manage other people’s posts, etc.
- Administrators have access to all the administration features.
This screen displays the information related to you and setting options available in wordpress.
Personal Options includes following fields:
- Visual Editor: Check the box to disable the visual editor and use the plain HTML editor.
- Syntax Highlighting: Check the box to disable the syntax highlighting when editing code.
- Admin Color Scheme: Check the radio button next to color scheme for the Administration Scheme. The left two colors are menu background colors and the right two are roll-over colors.
- Keyboard shortcuts: For a rapid navigation and to perform quick actions on the comments you can enable keyboard shortcuts for comment moderation.
- Toolbar: Check this box to show the toolbar when viewing the site
- Username - You cannot edit your Username because it is used as your Username during the login process. Even an Administrator cannot change your Username. Usually, no one else ever needs to see your Username.
- First name - Enter your first name in this text box.
- Last name - Enter your last name in this text box.
- Nickname - Enter the nickname as it is required for every user. It may be the same as your User Name or it can be different. If you don’t supply a Nickname, then the User Name will be placed in this field.
- Display name publicly as - Select, from the drop-down, how your name is cited on your blog. This defaults to your first and last name. You can choose from several of the above pieces of information: Nickname, Login name, First Name, Last Name, "First Last", or "Last First". If you prefer "Last, First", insert a comma after your last name in the Last Name text box above and choose the last option from this dropdown.
Contact Information
Email (Required): It is imperative for users to list the email address in their respective profiles. If you change this we will send you an email at your new address to confirm it. The new address will not become active until confirmed.
Website: Enter the website address.
Biographical Information: Type in a short description about yourself. This is an optional information that can be displayed by your theme, if configured by the theme author.
Profile Picture: Your picture in Gravatar is shown here. To change it, access to the
Generate Password: This is used to generate a new password for the account. It shows a new field with the generated password. If you desire to have your own password instead of the secure password, a checkbox will appear to confirm that you want to use a weak password.
Logout Everywhere else: You choose to logout from all the devices that is your phones or personal computer.
Click on the "Update Profile" button to save all the changes.